Renewable Energy and Sustainable Development



Societies around the world are on the verge of a profound and urgently necessary transformation in the way they produce and use energy. This shift is moving the world away from the consumption of fossil fuels toward cleaner, renewable forms of energy. The rapid deployment of renewable energy has been driven mainly by a wide range of objectives (drivers), which include advancing economic development, improving energy security, enhancing energy access and mitigating climate change. While such presumed benefits are widely cited as key drivers in political and energy debates, specific, documented evidence of such benefits remains rather limited for reasons including a lack of adequate conceptual frameworks, methodological challenges, and limited access to relevant data.

This paper identifies some of the remaining questions relating to the implications of aiming for 100% renewable energy, with the aim to provide a basis for subsequent development of a conceptual framework for future work on this topic.

100% renewable energy and poverty reduction in Tanzania



In September 2015 world leaders signed off on a new global 15-year plan to tackle poverty inequality and climate change. In doing so, they pledged to ensure all people have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. Only 3 months later, in December 2015, all nations committed to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius by phasing out harmful emissions. For this, national governments are invited to communicate by 2020 their mid-century, long-term low greenhouse gas emission development strategies. This essentially requires countries across the world to develop an adequate 100% Renewable Energy strategy. For developing countries with little access to energy services, this is an opportunity to leapfrog fossil fuels and use renewable energy as a tool for socio-economic development.

This is why in 2016, CAN-Tanzania, the World Future Council and Bread for the World have embarked on a 18-month project in Tanzania to develop a coherent strategy on how to implement 100% Renewable Energy (RE) as part of the country’s Sustainable Low Carbon Development (LCD) and Poverty Reduction Goals. This project builds on the previous experiences of the project partners for facilitating the deployment of renewable energy in Tanzania.

Mid-term Report

Kassel International Dialogue on 100% Renewable Energy – Outcome Report



“The question is no longer whether the world will transition to renewable energy but rather how long the transition will take and how can the transition be carried out to maximize the benefits today and for future generations.”

With this good news, Harry Lehmann, General Director of the German Federal Environment Agency opened this year’s Kassel International Dialogue (KID) which was dedicated to developing a roadmap that guides local governments—e.g. cities and regions—in transitioning their jurisdictions to 100% renewable energy.


What Place for Renewables in the INDCs?



COP 21 In Paris most likely marks a turning point in international climate policy making: UNFCCC parties for the first time adopted a legally binding agreement that is universal and provides a mechanism that has the potential to build global mitigation efforts that help us to avert dangerous climate change. Intended Nationally Determined Contributions (INDCs) are a crucial element of the Paris Agreement. They are the foundation on which the success of global mitigation efforts will be built. Scientific assessments concluded that current INDCs are an important contribution, but still fall short of reaching the long-term goal adopted with the Paris Agreement of “Holding the increase in the global average temperature to well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels and to pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5 °C above pre-industrial levels…” by the end of the century (UNFCCC 2015a: Article 2). The available assessments vary in their results – depending on the underlying models the assessments deployed (Levin and Fransen 2015).


Regenerative Cities in China



A new type of urbanization is needed. One that reflects a different type of development, also known as the New Normal which is currently gaining widespread support throughout China. The New Normal understands the substantial changes affecting China (namely a decline in the availability of inexpensive land and cheap labour, slower economic growth and, above all, increasingly exacerbating environmental distresses) and responds by promoting a new kind of people-centred development that favours slower economic growth, people well-being, innovation, domestic market development and that is particularly devoted to environmental protection and sustainability.

In order to ensure the successful implementation of the New Normal, a new model of urbanization that encourages and supports this new type of socio-economic development is needed. It is hereby recommended that cities in China start their transformation to become Regenerative Cities. Given the environmentally degraded conditions of many Chinese cities and ecosystems, a regenerative type of urban development that is able to establish a symbiotic and mutually beneficial relationship with the environment is not only recommended but urgently needed.


Are you in? 100% Renewables, Zero Poverty


In September 2015 world leaders signed off on a new global 15 year plan to tackle poverty inequality and climate change. In doing so, they pledged to ensure all people have access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy. Today 1.2 billion people (nearly 1 in 7) lack access to electricity. But communities are rolling out renewables in order to beat back poverty, as these technologies can provide sustainable energy access where coal, oil and gas have failed for the last century. Sustainable energy can improve health by reducing pollution, it can improve education, create jobs and kickstart industries in minor economies.

There is already a growing movement of leaders from villages, cities and businesses around the world who are not waiting for national governments to act, but are getting their own communities on track to a 100% renewable energy powered future – to deliver the just, equitable, healthy and prosperous world we need. This report features a range of these people whose stories highlight the development benefits derived from getting on track to go 100% renewable.

Full Report

100% Renewable Energy: boosting Development in Morocco



In order to ensure the development of a more sustainable, environmentally responsible and overall more liveable planet, we need to radically transform our energy sector and pave our way towards a cleaner and more just future powered by 100% Renewable Energy. To achieve this transformation, policy makers play an important role. Providing policy makers and the various stakeholders with the opportunity to discuss the tools and best practises to achieve this transformation effectively is therefore crucial. With this in mind, the World Future Council sees its role in connecting the dots between legislators and experts willing to take action and to take leadership on this journey.

This report provides an analysis on the current situation of the energy sector of Morocco and derives policy recommendations for a just transition towards a 100% Renewable Energy.



Imagine a Regenerative City



This report draws on the rich discussions at the 3rd Future of Cities Forum surrounding the vision of regenerative cities. It looks at a selection of the case studies presented at the Forum to outline the value creation resulting from regenerative urban development, the obstacles in the way of progress, and tools to help overcome those challenges.

Full Report

How to achieve 100% Renewable Energy



The goal of fully transitioning the world’s total energy mix toward renewable energy sources is no longer a utopian ideal: it is being achieved in a number of places around the world today. Hundreds of jurisdictions across the globe have set 100 % renewable energy (RE) targets and are beginning the journey toward a fully fossil- and nuclear-free society. In the process, these pioneers have been incubators of regionally appropriate best practices and policies.

This policy handbook takes a closer look at these early pioneers to provide inspiration and concrete examples to other jurisdictions that are aiming to embark on the same transformation. It analyzes case studies to identify drivers, barriers as well as facilitating factors and, from these, it derives policy recommendations to finally enable their transfer to other jurisdictions around the world.

Full Report

Regenerative Urban Development: a Roadmap to the City we need



Human impacts on the world’s landscapes are dominated by the ecological footprints of urban areas that now stretch across much of the globe. The World Future Council’s Regenerative Cities programme seeks to identify concepts and policies that help cities to harness their own regenerative capacity in order to reconcile the their ecological footprints with their geographical magnitude. The planning and management of new cities as well as the retrofitting of existing ones needs to undergo a profound paradigm shift. The urban metabolism must be transformed from its current operation as an inefficient and wasteful linear system into a resource-efficient and circular system.

Full Report