Strengthening actors of the energy transition
Harnessing the benefits of renewable energy and sustainable development.
Expanding capacities
We build capacities among policy makers and civil society actors by facilitating peer-to-peer exchange and providing access to up-to-date knowledge of a just energy transition.
The Global Renewables Congress
The Global Renewables Congress facilitates international, impartial dialogue for policy makers to exchange experiences and knowledge of the legislative framework for a just energy transition.
Worldwide networking
We work with international and local partners to strengthen civil society capacities, efficiently communicate energy transition approaches and coordinate national policy making for a just transition to 100% renewable energy.
Current projects
The Global Renewables Congress
MPs are key players in the energy transition. As legislators, they can catalyse and facilitate the implementation of the transition to renewable energies, develop strategies to overcome remaining obstacles and ensure that international commitments are implemented.
The Global Renewables Congress (GRC) is a transnational, cross-party platform that enables peer-to-peer exchanges among and with legislators. The GRC focuses on solutions for the rapid and large-scale use of renewable energies through appropriate legal frameworks.
100%RE-Multi Actor Partnership: Facilitate transformative action
We connect stakeholders at all levels of government with a particular focus on renewable energy and decarbonisation. By including all voices of society in political dialogues, we make ideas and possibilities for transformative and socially just measures visible and audible.
Strengthening communication
Building a global movement for 100% renewable energy requires strong communication and advocacy skills. Through partnerships with international networks such as the Climate Action Network (CAN), we strengthen the communication capacities of civil society in order to clearly articulate demands and solutions for the energy transition and demand participation in decision-making processes.
Publications & Downloads
Report: High Level Multi-Stakeholder Conference on RE and Clean Cooking for the Mano River Union
Around 30 MPs from West Africa discussed the role of parliaments in relation to increased use of renewable energy and clean cooking technologies.
Report: RE to Improve Climate and Development Ambitions Involving Civil Society in Vietnam
This report examines how renewable energy can contribute to more ambitious climate action and the role of civil society in related processes.
Study: 100% RE for all – Insights from the development of long-term renewable energy strategies in the Global South
This study summarises the lessons learned from the science-based development of long-term renewable energy strategies aimed at achieving widespread renewable energy access for all by 2050.
Partners & Initiatives
Climate Action Network (CAN)
We are part of the Climate Action Network (CAN) Europe, which is the leading European NGO coalition fighting climate change.
The German Federal Foundation for the Environment
The German Federal Foundation for the Environment (DBU) promotes innovative, exemplary and solution-oriented projects to protect the environment, with special consideration for medium-sized businesses, in line with the foundation’s mandate and mission statement.
Mercator Foundation
The Mercator Foundation is a European foundation. It promotes understanding between people of different cultures, stands up for a united Europe and helps establish the social prerequisites for peaceful coexistence.
Other areas

Lena Dente
Senior Programme Manager
T: +49 (0) 40 3070914-0

Sälma El-Gamal
Project Manager Global Renewables Congress
T: +49 (0) 40 3070914-0

Matthias Kroll
Chief Economist – Future Finance
T: +49 (0) 40 3070914-0