The future is not something to predict, but something to build. ~ Franco Ongaro ESA
The World Future Council proposes priority for the following steps:
- Establish Representatives of Future Generations at international, national, regional and local levels with authority to design and review policies to safeguard their rights.
- Elevate the concepts of intergenerational equity and trusteeship in legal and political systems and processes, particularly regarding global goods and the global commons which humanity has a responsibility to protect for future generations;
- Ensure that youth voices and representatives of future generations are integrated into all SDG processes and forums;
- Elevate and implement the UN Human Rights Committee affirmation that nuclear weapons and climate change threaten the Right to Life of current and future generations;
- Elevate and implement the UNGA Declaration affirming the Right to a Healthy Environment;
- Strengthen legal obligations to protect future generations including through the campaign to take climate change to the International Court of Justice;
- Advance core goals to ‘save succeeding generations from the scourge of war’ through better use of UN common security mechanisms;
- Achieve the global elimination of nuclear weapons no later than 2045, the 100th anniversary of the United Nations;
- Welcome the UN Human Rights Committee affirmation that nuclear weapons and climate change threaten the Right to Life of current and future generations;
- Support the International Court of Justice case on climate change, and call for full implementation of international law applicable to climate.