Annual Report 2018
Excerpt Annual Report 2018
Time is pressing: in autumn 2018 the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned that we have no more than 12 years to avert a climate catastrophe. Just recently, the Intergovernmental Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services warned against a massive loss of biodiversity that is putting one million species in danger of extinction.
Let’s take a tour through the diverse and numerous solutions we identified and promoted during 2018! This Annual Report looks back at our impact in 2018 and shows, yet again, our supporters’ strong commitment: collectively we can be proud of what we achieved in sustainable agriculture, education for sustainable development, protecting children from violence, advancing 100% Renewable Energy, fostering a sustainable economy, and promoting peace and disarmament.
More and more people wish to eat healthy, uncontaminated food and ensure that our children will inherit a planet worth living in. In the face of land degradation, biodiversity loss, climate change and population growth, we have to quickly switch to sustainable food and agriculture. As agroecology protects and regenerates our soils, water and biodiversity, strengthens smallholder farmers, boosts local economy and improves climate resilience, it can play a key role in this process. We urgently need to convince policymakers to develop and implement policies that effectively scale up agroecology! For this reason, in 2018 the World Future Council decided to award the world’s best practices which scale up agroecology. After a thorough evaluation by our research department, an international jury composed of renowned agroecology experts selected the winners of the Future Policy Award 2018. Beating 51 nominated policies from 25 countries, the world’s best policies come from India, Denmark, Ecuador, Brazil, the Philippines, Senegal, the United States of America, and include an initiative from the international level.