Tag Archive for: Press Releases
Seven policies contend for international award: Shortlist reflects successful disarmament efforts worldwide
Hamburg/Geneva/New York – 7 October 2013: Seven disarmament policies from five continents have been shortlisted as final contenders for the 2013 Future Policy Award.
25 innovative disarmament policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2013
Press Release – for immediate release
Hamburg/Geneva/New York– 6 June 2013: The World Future Council has today announced the nominations of the Future Policy Award 2013. In partnership with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), this year’s award seeks to highlight disarmament policies that contribute to the achievement of peace, sustainable development and human security. In response to a worldwide call for nominations, the World Future Council has received 25 nominations of best policy practice from all continents.
2013 Future Policy Award celebrates world’s best disarmament policies
Press release – for immediate release
World Future Council partners with the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Hamburg
Hamburg/New York, 19 March – The World Future Council is pleased to announce that this year’s Future Policy Award will celebrate the world’s best disarmament policies. The World Future Council is collaborating with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs to encourage new thinking on disarmament and to advance common solutions to this global problem.
Best Oceans Policies Awarded at UN Biodiversity Summit
Press release – for immediate release
Best Oceans Policies Awarded at UN Biodiversity Summit – International organisations celebrate the Republic of Palau, Namibia and the Philippines in Hyderabad, India.
Hyderabad, 17 October 2012: In a well orchestrated ceremony the Future Policy Award 2012 for best policies to protect oceans and coasts was bestowed on the Republic of Palau, the Philippines and Namibia on Tuesday night. In the Hyderabad International Convention Center, Palau was honoured with the Gold Award in recognition of two outstanding marine policies, the Protected Areas Network Act, initiated in 2003, and the Shark Haven Act from 2009. The two Silver Awards were given to the Philippines for its Tubbataha Reefs Natural Park Act from 2010 and to Namibia for its Marine Resources Act from 2000. The ceremony was convened by the World Future Council, the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), with support from the Okeanos Foundation.
Five countries’ ocean and coastal policies shortlisted for the 2012 Future Policy Award
Press release – for immediate release