Tag Archive for: Press Releases
29 policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2015
Hamburg/Geneva/New York, 1 June 2015 – Twenty-nine laws and policies that contribute to securing the rights of children have been nominated for the Future Policy Award 2015. This has been announced by the World Future Council, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UNICEF to coincide with today’s International Day for Protection of Children (Children’s Day).
Argentina and Bosnia and Herzegovina share best policies for reducing gun violence
Sarajevo/Buenos Aires, March 11 – Experts from Argentina and Bosnia and Herzegovina have joined forces to discuss the challenges, prospects and lessons learnt of their respective disarmament programmes. On March 6-7, representatives of government, police agencies, and civil society were brought together by the World Future Council and UNDP Bosnia and Herzegovina to exchange experiences in addressing small arms issues.
Namibian mayors vow to combat hunger and malnutrition through concrete policy action
Windhoek/Belo Horizonte/Hamburg, February 12, 2015: In an effort towards eradicating malnutrition, a delegation from Namibia has travelled to Brazil to study the successful food and nutrition security programme of the city of Belo Horizonte, strengthen their understanding of food security and sign cooperation agreements. With programmes on urban agriculture, food banks and school lunches, Belo Horizonte has reduced child mortality by 60 percent over the past 12 years, decreasing malnutrition among children to 3%. The study tour was organised by the World Future Council to bring about a knowledge exchange between experts.
Future Policy Award 2014: Duluth Model is world’s best policy
Geneva – 14 October 2015: The “Coordinated Community Response to Domestic Violence” by the City of Duluth in the US State of Minnesota is the winner of the 2014 Future Policy Award for Ending Violence against Women and Girls. It beat 24 other nominated policies to the prize. The Gold Award is to be presented to Minnesota Representative Michael Paymar from the Minnesota House of Representatives today at a ceremony in Geneva by the World Future Council, the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women.
Windhoek Declaration
Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security, 21 – 23 July 2014
Concluding Recommendations
After thorough deliberation at the Workshop on Food and Nutrition Security which was enabled by the City of Windhoek, the City of Belo Horizonte (Brazil), the World Future Council and the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO)
We, the Mayors of Namibian Cities, policymakers, technicians, experts, and representatives of civil society organizations have compiled this document with the following recommendations which we strongly feel ought to be implemented by all stakeholders in order to ensure the right to food for all people.
Recognize the urgent need to act now at local and national levels to address the challenges in food and nutrition security our country is facing today and ensure food and nutrition security for future generations.
Commit to engage in a multi-stakeholder dialogue on food and nutrition security governance and interventions at different levels: from local to national, from public to private, including but not limited to civil society and international organisations, and media.
Acknowledge the fact that we need to develop and implement solutions that are fitting for our specific situations, including reviewing the policy and legal framework on national level, developing solutions for financing efforts on local level, and connecting political with technical will.
Commit to harmonize our efforts to tackling food and nutrition security in Namibia and build networks for multi-level stakeholder dialogue, partnerships, capacity building and implementation of follow-up actions.
Engage to realize the concrete recommendations, action plans and time frames that have been developed at the Workshop, especially in regards to the establishment of Food Banks in Namibia and the promotion of urban and peri-urban agriculture and city-region linkages.
Recommend that ALAN facilitates the establishment of an inter-municipal technical task force whose mandate is to engage further relevant stakeholders with the view to implementing concrete recommendations and action plans that have been developed at the workshop.
Windhoek, 23 July 2014
Cllr Agnes Kafula Cllr Muesee Kazapua Cllr Uilika Nambahu Cllr Juuso Kambweshe Cllr Helaria Mukapuli Cllr Hilka Leevi Cllr Emma Taukuheke Cllr Lidia S. Bezuidenhoudt Cllr Ndangi Sheeteketa Cllr Jason Asisno Cllr Eve Massdorp Cllr Carolina Arendse Cllr Ronny Negonga Cllr Gustav IHoaeb Cllr Erastus Kandjimi Cllr Daniel U. Muhuura Cllr Tuarungua Kavari Cllr Matheus Ndeshitita CIlr Julia Shikongo Cllr Paulus Haikali Cllr David lpinge Cllr Isai D. Uuzombata Mr Willian Shenldee Cllr Onesmus Shilunga Cllr Andreas Shintama Cllr Hesikiel Nanyeni Cllr John Viakongo Cllr Charles M. Matengu Cllr Markus Damaseb Cllr Henry Edward Coetzee CIlr Esme S. Isaack Cllr Thyphosa Moloto Cllr Hilda Jesaya Cllr Vaierie Aron Cllr Aila Haufiku Cllr Moses Titus Cllr Kleophas Geingob Cllr Alex Kamburute Cllr Bartholomeus Rooi Cllr Yvonne Bok Cllr Petrus Boois Cllr Christine Garoes Scholtz Cllr S Haikwiyu Cllr Susanna Motinga CIlr Christina lsaaks Cllr Edward Wells Cllr J Khachab Cllr Feitje Basson Cllr Regina Aebes Mr Pete Gurirab Cllr Maria Ganuses Cllr Magdalena Aebes Cllr Franciska Nakare Cllr Livey van Wyk |
Title and Institutions
Mayor of the City of Windhoek Deputy Mayor, City of Windhoek President Mayor Forum Mayor of Swakopmund Deputy Mayor of Luderjtz Mayor of Rundu Mayor of Grootfontein Mayor of Cobabis Mayor of Tsumeb Mayor Ongwediva Mayor of Rehoboth Mayor of Karasburg Mayor of Ondangwa Mayor of Usakos Mayor of Nkurenkuru Mayor of Arandis Mayor of Opuwo Mayor of Outapi Mayor of Eenhana Mayor of Hetao Nafidi Mayor of Karibib Mayor of Okahao MC Chairperson of Oshikuku Mayor of Oshakati Mayor of Ruacana Mayor of Omuthiya Mayor of Okakarara Mayor of Katima Mulilo Mayor of Otavi Mayor of Oranjemund Major of Aranos Mayor of Khorixas Mayor of Otjiwarongo Mayor of Okaha ndja Mayor of Hentjes Bay Mayor of Keetmanshoop Mayor of Outjo Mayor of Marientet Chairperson: Aroab Village Council Chairperson: Gibeon Village Council Chairperson: Gochas Village Council Chairperson: Kalkrand Village Council Chairperson: Matahöhe Village Council Chairperson: Stampriet ViIageCouncil Chairperson: Berseba Villaee Council Chairperson: Bethanie Village Councit Chairperson: Koës Village Council Vice Chairperson: Tses Village Council Deputy Chairperson: Kamanjab VillageCouncil CEO: Kamanjab Village Council Kamanjab Village Council Kamanjab Village Council Chairperson: Leonardville Village Councjl Chairperson: Witvlei Village Council |
Namibian mayors sign declaration to end hunger and malnutrition
Three-day workshop on food and nutrition security comes to successful close as leaders agree to drive urban agriculture
Windhoek, Namibia, 24 July 2014 – A declaration to end hunger in Namibia was adopted by mayors, policymakers, technicians, experts, and representatives of civil society organizations in Windhoek yesterday. The document promises a review of national policy and legal frameworks and a commitment to harmonize current efforts to tackling food and nutrition security. First concrete measures will oversee the establishment of Food Banks and greening the riverbeds in Windhoek.
Making malnutrition a thing of the past
Three-day workshop on food and nutrition security in Windhoek kicks off with keynote by Namibian Deputy Prime Minister, the Honourable Marco Hausiku
Windhoek, Namibia, 22 July 2014 – Every human being has the right to enough healthy food every day. To ensure that this right becomes a reality for all Namibians, ninety high-ranking participants from politics and civil society are partaking in a three-day Food and Nutrition Security workshop to discuss best policy solutions with international experts.
Ending violence against women and girls: 25 policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2014
World Future Council partners with the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU) and UN Women to highlight solutions to a global human rights emergency
Press release – for immediate release