Forest Policies from six countries shortlisted for Future Policy Award

Press Release

Top candidates found in Bhutan, The Gambia, Nepal, Rwanda, Switzerland and the USA.

New York / Montreal / Hamburg / Rome, 5 July 2011 – Policies from six countries are now shortlisted for the 2011 Future Policy Award. Bhutan, The Gambia, Nepal, Rwanda, Switzerland and the USA are still in the running for the most inspiring, innovative and influential forest policies worldwide. The Future Policy Award is granted by the World Future Council, an international policy research organization that provides decision makers with effective policy solutions. The three winning policies which most effectively contribute to the conservation and sustainable development of forests for the benefit of current and future generations will be announced on 21 September 2011 at the United Nations Headquarters in New York.

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International Policy Award for Visionary Forest Policies: Sixteen Countries Nominated by Experts

Press Release
New York / Montreal / Hamburg, 21 March 2011 – The list of nominees for this year’s Future Policy Award has been published. 19 forest policies from 16 countries have been nominated for this international award. 2011 has been declared the International Year of Forests by the United Nations, with the central theme “Forests for People”, to raise consciousness of the multiple values of forests and promote greater awareness of success stories and challenges which many of the world’s forests and the people who depend on them face.

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Future Policy Award 2010 winners announced

Standing ovations for Costa Rica’s biodiversity law: Setting priorities for generations to come /Australia’s Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Act wins Silver Award
Nagoya/Hamburg/Montreal, 25 October 2010. As proven by the Costa Rican Biodiversity Law, exemplary biodiversity legislation can be successfully put into practice. On 25 October, delegates, ministers, decision-makers, media and donors gathered at the Future Policy Award 2010 Ceremony in Nagoya, Japan, to witness the first prize be awarded to Costa Rica and to celebrate the Costa Rican Biodiversity Law as a milestone of excellence in meeting the goals of the UN Convention on Biological Diversity. The effects of the law are outstanding: With 26% of its total territory designated as protected areas, Costa Rica is the first developing that succeeded in halting and reversing deforestation. Moreover, the country ranked first in the Happy Planet Index 2009, and is a recognised pioneer in ecotourism.
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World’s best biodiversity laws shortlisted for Future Policy Award 2010

Press Release
Winners will be announced on 25 October 2010, 6:30pm, Nagoya Congress Centre
Nagoya/Hamburg/Montreal, 21 October 2010 – For celebrating the world’s best biodiversity policies with the Future Policy Award 2010, ministers, decision-makers, media and donors will gather on 25 October at an official ceremony in Nagoya, Japan. The Future Policy Award, established by the World Future Council, honours laws with particularly positive effects on the living conditions of current and future generations. It is the first award to celebrate policies rather
than people on an international level. This year’s award gala is hosted by the Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as part of the official programme of the tenth meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention.

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