Sixth Zero Project Conference will be held in Vienna
From 22-24th February 2017, together with the Essl Foundation and the European Foundation Centre, we convene the sixth Zero Project Conference at the United Nations Office in Vienna, Austria. The event is dedicated to celebrate and highlight 11 Innovative Policies and 56 Innovative Practices that have advanced disability-inclusive employment and vocational education and training from around the world. As in the past years, we expect more than 500 participants from more than 70 countries to join this international summit, which will consist of 35 events, workshops and panels, engaging close to 200 speakers.
Disability-inclusive employment should become reality for all
One of the highlights of the conference will be certainly the keynote speeches delivered by Daniela BAS, who currently serves as Director of the Division for Social Policy and Development at the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Minister Alois STOEGER from the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology, Patrick ROMZEK, who is Vice-President of Cloud Strategy at Cisco and a passionate advocate for people with disabilities & special needs children and Helga STEVENS, Member of the European Parliament and sign language user from Belgium.
Technology Show – Learn and Play!
On the first night, a special Technology Show will be organized showcasing technologies that make a conference more accessible in an entertaining 60-minutes spectacle. The Tech Show brings selected technology providers on stage, most of them as exhibiting their products and services, and supporting the Zero Project Conference with assistive technologies and ICT for all participants.
Awarding innovation
On the second night, a special Award ceremony will be held to highlight those 11 Innovative Policies and 56 Innovative Practices that have produce measurably impact in advancing the inclusion of persons with disabilities in employment, work and vocational education and training.
More than 30 plenary and breakout sessions, plus an exhibition …
The numerous conference sessions will cover a broad range of topics concerning Employment and Vocational Education and Training, from promising reforms in technical and vocational education and training to economic empowerment by supporting entrepreneurship, self-employment and start-ups anti-bullying, from engaging employer associations and company networks to matchmaking platforms that connect job seekers and employers successfully, amongst others. In particular, once again two Policymaker Forums will be held – one with an international focus and another with a European perspective.
You can learn more the conference by browsing the conference’s dedicated website.
To learn more about the work of the Zero Project, click here.