Invitation: World Ethic Forum 2022

How do we come to a new responsibility and life-affirming relationship with ourselves, each other and the natural world?

Together with the World Ethic Forum, we invite you to discover the radically shared aliveness. A weekend including hikes among animals and plants; philosophical explorations on an economy of love and the common good; a parliament of things; a night of dancing shamans, and a music premiere, and lots of dialogue. We open the WorldEthicForum to all who want to experience and celebrate radically shared aliveness together with our Firekeepers.

The Firekeepers

The Firekeepers are people from many parts of the world who dedicate their lives to social transformation and developing livable futures for our children and grandchildren. In particular, they are dedicated to recognising the rights of the Earth and all living beings.

Among them are our Councillors Prof. Dr. Vandana Shiva, Dr. C. Otto Scharmer, Dr. Rama Mani, Alyn Ware, Helmy Abouleish Kehkashan Basu, Neshan Gunasekera, Thais Corral, our Youth:Present representative Marie-Claire Graf our Chair of Board Prof. Dr. Franz-Theo Gottwald and out Chair of Management Board Alexandra Wandel.