Eva Quistorp

Eva Quistorp

Eva Quistorp, born 1945, studied protestant theology, german literature and political science in Berlin at the Free University.

She was a teacher and worked many years for feminist and environmental and peace projects in West Germany and organisied them on european level in the times before the internet and KI.

She became a leader of the new women,peace and environmental movement and  the national coordination of the peacemovement in West Germany in the 80ties and in the presidency of the BBU together with her friend Petra Kelly. She was an organiser of the huge peace rallies in  Bonn and Europe between 1981-1984 and a speaker at the New York rallye 12.June 1982 on stage with Joan Baez,Pete Seeger ,Harry Belafonte ,Heinrich Boell and Willy Brandt. She co organised  women peace marches against nuclear weapons in Europe and world wide with scandinavian women for peace. She was a founder of the german green party with Petra Kelly and Josef Beuys 1979-1980 and of the Heinrich Boell foundation 1987.

She became member of the presidendy of the Greens in Germnay 1986-1988 and member of the European Parliament 1989 just in time to stand against the massacre ot Tianmen in China and to accompany the fall of the wall and the Iron Curtain in Europe with her friends from solicarnosc and charta 77, she had supported for many years since Prague invasion 1968 by USSR troops. She worked in the presidency of international peace bureau with Cora Weiss and May BRitt Theorin as before within European Nuclear Disarmament END with Mary Kaldor, Mient Jan Faber ,Edward Thompson and Rudolf Bahro. 

Since 1980 she  introduced women , environmental, human rights and peace politics  and climate networks at the global UN conferences like in Copenhagen 1980,Nairobi 1985  Rio 1992 ,Vienna 1993, Beijing 1995 Istanbul 1996,Bonn 2001,Warschau.2013 Bonn 2017 climate conferences.

She initiated the first CSCE of women in  Berlin 1990 with her friend Margarete Papandreou from women summit ,with which she met Gorbatschovs and Schewardnaze in 1987-1988 and Mandela and bishop Tutu between 1992-1994. She is co author of the Un resolution 1325 to include women in conflict resolutions and peace building after the sad experiences of women in Bosnia and Rwanda and co author of the chapter environment of the Beijing Platform of action. She is  co founder with her friend Bella Abzug of the women mayor group at the UN,which was founded at the UN Rio conference 1992 and the womens agenda 21.

With Alexandra Wandel she organised the first global women climate conference at the Un climate conference in Berlin April 1995,writing the documentation Solidarity in the Greenhouse. She visitid the nuclear reactor of Chernobyl near Kiew and spoke on Maidan 1991 against the desinformation from governments and visited children of Chernobyl in Minsk. She supported Memorial in Russia and Maidan in Ukraine since Gorbatschov times, and the Charta of Paris which are destroyed by Putins dictatorship and wars and propaganda now.

She is consultant of UNWOMAN Germany and Boell foundation and  mentor for many young women and human right activists from Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, Hongkong, Myanmar ,Iran,Afghanistan, NIgeria and NIcaragua within the last 23 years, when the space for democracies started to shrink within wild globalisation and global socalled social media and many crises and wars. She has published many books and appeals like the 24. May womens peace appell with PNND in the pandemic year 2021 in 24 May international Women’s Action day on Peace and disarmament. She also was an election observer of the EP for 20 years until Mandela was elected.

She is a senior advisor of the World Future Council.