Global Futures Forum: Youth Pavilion

Youth:Present Forum Statement 


Youth are not just the future, they are also the present, which places them squarely at the heart of the sustainability agenda. After all, the underlying goal of sustainable development is to leave a planet that is healthy and thriving for our present and future generations. 

We, the Youth arm of the World Future Council, demand to have our voices heard in all SDG processes and forums. It is our future that is at stake, and we have a right to be involved in shaping it. We call on decision-makers to prioritize youth engagement and ensure that representatives of future generations are present in all discussions related to the SDGs. We are ready and willing to actively participate in these processes and contribute to building a sustainable and equitable world for all. 

We, as Youth:Present Forum, particularly support the following WFC proposals:  

  • Ensure youth voices and voices of representatives of future generations are integrated into all SDG processes and forums; 
  • Elevate and implement the UNGA Declaration affirming the Right to a Healthy Environment; 
  • Elevate the concepts of intergenerational equity and trusteeship in legal and political systems and processes, particularly regarding global goods and the global commons which humanity has a responsibility to protect for future generations; 

The Summit of the Future is an opportunity to better preserve our future and our planet through international cooperation. Nevertheless, the declarations and promises made at the international level often remain inconsequential. Therefore, it is necessary to link international concepts to concrete solutions, adaptable to the local scale, to make states fulfil their promises. 

To implement the WFC proposals we suggest the following: 

  • Put into effect a Youth Climate/Environment Council at the national environmental ministries, as a means of promoting inclusive and meaningful engagements of grassroots youth in climate policy formation and implementation. Such establishment has already proven successful in Ghana and a similar establishment in other countries would benefit all young people to contribute to more effective and sustainable environmental policies for all. 
  • Embed SDGs as an obligatory topic into school curriculums to ensure that students are informed about the global sustainability agenda and empower them to take sustainable action 
  • Sponsorship of youth delegations in attending decision making processes and forums to aid intergenerational transition of good governance and strengthen transparency. 

Finally, we want to specifically acknowledge that in all proposals we seek a diverse representation of young people because only then can effective and inclusive solutions be found. Amongst other aspects this includes racial, ethnic, geographic, gender, religious, socioeconomic, and academic diversity. 


From Youth:Present Forum representatives  

20th March 2023