Tag Archive for: Peace and Disarmament
Future Policy Award 2013: Celebrating the World’s best Disarmament Policies
Disarmament is vital to achieving crucial peace, development and security goals. The 2013 Future Policy Award celebrates policies that have distinctly advanced sustainable disarmament.
This year, 25 policies from 15 countries and six regions were nominated. As well as representing all continents, the policies display the diversity of the disarmament theme, targeting small arms and light weapons, nuclear weapons, cluster munitions and anti-personnel mines, among others.
Treaty of Tlatelolco Wins Future Policy Award
Latin American and Caribbean Nuclear Weapons Free Zone takes top disarmament award – Argentina and New Zealand win silver
Hamburg/Geneva/New York – 23 October 2013: The “Treaty for the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons in Latin America and the Caribbean” (a.k.a. the “Treaty of Tlatelolco”) was today proclaimed winner of the 2013 Future Policy Award for sustainable disarmament, beating 24 other nominated policies to the prize. The award will be presented at a ceremony this evening at UN Headquarters by the World Future Council, the UN Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU).
Seven policies contend for international award: Shortlist reflects successful disarmament efforts worldwide
Hamburg/Geneva/New York – 7 October 2013: Seven disarmament policies from five continents have been shortlisted as final contenders for the 2013 Future Policy Award.
25 innovative disarmament policies nominated for Future Policy Award 2013
Press Release – for immediate release
Hamburg/Geneva/New York– 6 June 2013: The World Future Council has today announced the nominations of the Future Policy Award 2013. In partnership with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs (UNODA) and the Inter-Parliamentary Union (IPU), this year’s award seeks to highlight disarmament policies that contribute to the achievement of peace, sustainable development and human security. In response to a worldwide call for nominations, the World Future Council has received 25 nominations of best policy practice from all continents.
Moving Beyond Nuclear Deterrence to a Nuclear Weapons Free World
This second edition of the Nuclear Abolition Forum is dedicated to an examination of the nuclear deterrence doctrine – the role it plays in security policies, its benefits and/or risks, and an exploration on how security could be achieved without nuclear deterrence in order to facilitate the establishment of a nuclear weapons-free world.
2013 Future Policy Award celebrates world’s best disarmament policies
Press release – for immediate release
World Future Council partners with the United Nations Office of Disarmament Affairs Hamburg
Hamburg/New York, 19 March – The World Future Council is pleased to announce that this year’s Future Policy Award will celebrate the world’s best disarmament policies. The World Future Council is collaborating with the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs to encourage new thinking on disarmament and to advance common solutions to this global problem.
Handbook: Supporting nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament
The Handbook “Supporting nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament” identifies existing examples of good practice in the area of nuclear non-proliferation and disarmament and offers recommendations for further parliamentary action. The Inter-Parliamentary Union has commissioned Rob van Riet, Coordinator of the WFC Disarmament Programme, and Alyn Ware, Global Coordinator of Parliamentarians for Nuclear Non-Proliferation and Disarmament (PNND) and WFC Councillor, to produce the handbook.
Appeal to Rio+20: Disarmament for Sustainable Development
A Tank made of Bread
Hamburg / Rio de Janeiro, 15. June – A lifesize Tank made of Bread will support our Rio+20 appeal to redirect military spending to fund human needs and sustainable development. To demand the Rio+20 Earth Summit to address this issue, the initiative already counts with the endorsement of over 30 Nobel Prize laureates among other respected personalities (see full list).
International Humanitarian Law and Nuclear Weapons
The inaugural issue of the Nuclear Abolition Forum offers a variety of perspectives on international humanitarian law (IHL) and nuclear weapons, including the development of IHL since the 1996 International Court of Justice Advisory Opinion on the Legality of the Threat or Use of Nuclear Weapons and the current state of the law with regard to use, threat and possession of nuclear weapons.