Pathfinder Annual Report Cover WFC 2021

About the Pathfinder 2021

The World Future Council turns 15 this year. The world has changed a lot since our founding congress. Humanity has experienced many crises over the years, but it has also learnt. Our goal, however, remains firm: We want everyone to be able to live in dignity, health and peace, and we are working to ensure that we can pass on an intact planet to those who come after us.

The war in Ukraine has shaken us to the core. More than two years of pandemic are behind us. In the face of international crises, shaping a better and healthier world should once again be the focus of our attention. Much like our cover photo this year, we are at a threshold where we can leave the past behind and keep our eyes firmly on the goal.

Crises are always an opportunity for a new beginning, and can initiate a learning process – giving us courage, hope and ambition for the challenges that lie ahead. We invite you to learn more about our work in 2022 in this annual report. Here, we share the activities of our Council and our youth project, Youth:Present, our “Policy Oscar ” on the topic of protection from hazardous chemicals and our working areas:

  •  Energy and Just Development
  • Rights of Children and Youth
  • Ecosystems and Livelihoods
  • Peace and Disarmament


Hazardous chemicals: Children and pregnant women are particularly at risk. How can people and the environment be protected?

Working together to accelerate energy transition:In Nepal, Uganda and Vietnam, we have been working for a transformation to 100 per cent renewable energy with the involvement of relevant local actors.

Climate Protection Studies: The German National Hydrogen Council has adopted recommendations from our study on renewable hydrogen.

Sustainable ecosystems and habitats: Our commitment to agroecology and marine conservation.

A safe haven for victims of sexualised violence! Weapons are useless against the major crises of our time.

Peace and human rights: For girls and boys who have experienced child abuse, the doors of the One-Stop Centres are open 24 hours a day.

Protecting 30% of the Oceans by 2030! We are working to ensure that the “30 by 30” call is heard at the highest level.

Namibia: fighting hunger through education.

Momentum for agroecology in the Himalayas: Our aim is to win decision makers to strengthen sustainable agriculture in the Himalayas.