Marie-Claire Graf
Co-Founder Youth Negotiators Academy and Climate Youth Negotiator Programme
Marie-Claire is a youth advocate, change-maker and public speaker for a just transition towards sustainable development and ambitious climate action. She believes that youth and future generations are the receiver of today’s decisions – therefore it is her goal to empower youth to take meaningful actions to create a momentum for change, to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and to fight the climate crisis and its impact on all of us. To do so, she is active in several initiatives at local, national and international levels. In the past and the present, she initiated and led several associations and movements around climate action, sustainable development, youth and women empowerment, food systems transformation and education. This led her to participate in the Sustainability Week International, become UN Food Systems Summit Vice-Chair on youth and chair the Youth Constituency YOUNGO of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. Through her work, she received several awards and prizes such as the United Nations Youth Climate Champion of Switzerland.
She is a Councillor of the World Future Council.