Frequently Asked Questions

Your frequently asked questions about donations are being answered on this page.

If you need further assistance, please get in touch via email:

We at the World Future Council work to pass on a healthy planet and fair societies to our children and grandchildren. To achieve this, we focus on identifying and spreading effective, future-just policy solutions and promote their implementation worldwide. Our Council consists of up to 50 international change-makers who identify urgent themes and determine the agenda for our work.

Our Policy and Expert Teams are based in Hamburg, London, Geneva, Beijing and Windhuk, and we fully rely on donations to operate. Only with your support we can spread future-just and sustainable policy solutions.

Using our Online Donation Form you can donate simply, quickly and securely.

Prefer to transfer directly?
Please transfer the desired amount on the following donations account:

Stiftung World Future Council
GLS Bank Bochum
IBAN: DE70 4306 0967 2009 0040 00

If you donate to a specific department, the WFC will ensure the donation goes directly into the project work. In the case of donations going beyond the financial needs of a project, it is permitted by law that we use the funds for other projects in need. Of course, the donator will receive notice in that event.

If you donate to the general fund, the WFC is free to use them where they are needed most. Donations to the general fund are more efficient because we can make quick decisions on where funds are needed, thereby reducing our administrative expenses.

The World Future Council Foundation will only collect and store personal data such as name, address and other personal details when a donation to the WFC is made or information material about our work is requested.  The WFC stores sensitive, personal data on a secure server. They will never be passed on to third parties. Staff members of the WFC working with confidential data are obliged to comply with data protection regulations. Third parties will on no account receive addresses information from the World Future Council. Please find our full Privacy Policy here.

On our website, all of your information is scrambled using SSL (Secure-Socket-Layer) encryption technology. Thus, data security is guaranteed at any point of the transmission of your data. We at the World Future Council are committed to ensuring the privacy of all our users. We collect and retain only such personal information as you choose to provide us. All such information is stored securely and will not be made public, sold, rented or likewise distributed. Please read our full Privacy Policy here. By using this donation form you agree to our Privacy Policy as well as the Privacy Policy of Altruja, our service provider to collect online-donations.

Donations up to 200 Euros

For donations up to 200 Euros, the paying-in-slip or the bank statement is sufficient for being considered as a receipt for charitable donations.

Donations of more than 200 Euros

For donations exceeding 200 euros, a donation certificate will be issued.

As every other organisation, we need administration to operate. Our admin team deals with all HR related affairs, issues donation receipts, pays our monthly bills for e.g. office rent or telecommunication, replies to email enquiries, sets up hardware and software for us to work, negotiates contracts, organises conferences and meetings, provides assistance if yet another computer problem arises, and much much more. Media and Communications, that means our team for social media channels, website etc., are also paid this way.

We are a small organisation and make sure no money is being wasted. Find out more about our financials in the Annual Report below!

In other words: No, your donation is not lost in administration – with every donation, you also give a share to our administration team without whom we couldn’t do our work.

Why donate?

We give a voice to future generations and stand up for their rights. Through our support, millions of people benefit from better policies and political action. Your donation enables us to continue our work to make the world a more sustainable place.

Pathfinder WFC 2023 Cover


Our annual report provides an overview of our international work. We have been busy bringing together experts from around the world to discuss and share existing solutions to today’s problems.