About the Pathfinder 2020

No one will forget the year 2020. We all have a deeply personal connection with it: sorrow, separation, grief, and loss. But for many of us, 2020 was also a spark for change. The pandemic gave us an opportunity to break new ground and to build more resilient and healthy societies.

For us, the current crisis has also been an opportunity. At the World Future Council we are working towards a healthy, sustainable planet with just and peaceful societies. This heartfelt commitment connects us with our supporters. We are working together to ensure that rebuilding in the aftermath of the pandemic is done in the interest of present and future generations. To achieve this, we identify the best solutions to humanity’s challenges, make them visible, and promote their worldwide implementation.

On the following pages, we invite you to learn more about our projects and achievements, our solutions and activities, our methods of working, and our global network. Without your dedicated support, we could not be this successful. For this, we thank you sincerely!

As our founder Jakob von Uexküll says: “We all make a difference in this world. It is up to us to decide whether our contribution changes it for the better or not.”


Hazardous chemicals: Children and pregnant women are particularly at risk. How can people and the environment be protected?

Empower Children and Youth! They bear the brunt of the pandemic. Why their future is at risk, and how their participation and education can be strengthened.

100% renewable energy for all! How we have helped Bangladesh, Tanzania, Uganda, Vietnam, and other countries achieve this.

Sustainable ecosystems and habitats: Our commitment to agroecology and marine conservation.

Less nuclear weapons, more human rights! Bombs are useless for preventing pandemics, poverty, and other crises. Insights into our work towards peace and disarmament

“We need to develop a new relationship with animals and nature and a new
sustainable economy before it is too late” – Read our Interview with Jane Goodall