The Bread Tank at the World Youth Day 2013

Appeal to Rio+20: Disarmament for Sustainable Development

A Tank made of Bread

Hamburg / Rio de Janeiro, 15. June – A lifesize Tank made of Bread will support our Rio+20 appeal to redirect military spending to fund human needs and sustainable development. To demand the Rio+20 Earth Summit to address this issue, the initiative already counts with the endorsement of over 30 Nobel Prize laureates among other respected personalities (see full list).

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World Future Council protests against arrest of Thai Councillor Sulak Sivaraksa

Hamburg, November 17, 2008: “We sharply denounce the arrest of our Councillor Sulak Sivaraksa”, World Future Council (WFC) founder Jakob von Uexkuell said today in Hamburg. “Sulak Sivaraksa is one of Thailand’s most respected spiritual leaders. Arresting him on account of lese majesty is just another attempt to silence an inconvenient thinker and social critic.”
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