Tag Archive for: WFC
Rickmers donate EUR 1 million to World Future Council
Press Information – to be embargoed until 6 p.m.
Hamburg, Germany, 12 June 2009. As part of their “175 Years of Rickmers in Shipping” anniversary, Hamburg shipowners and businessmen Bertram and Erck Rickmers have donated one million euros to the World Future Council (WFC). “On the occasion of the family’s 175th anniversary we would like to pay tribute to the past and at the same to make a contribution to the future,” the brothers explained. “Consistent support of sustainable thinking and acting for the benefit of future generations is only possible at a global level. This is why we want to support the international work of the Hamburg-based World Future Council,” the Rickmers brothers added, detailing their reason for supporting the WFC. The cheque was presented to WFC founder and board chairman Jakob von Uexküll.
World Future Council protests against arrest of Thai Councillor Sulak Sivaraksa
Hamburg, November 17, 2008: “We sharply denounce the arrest of our Councillor Sulak Sivaraksa”, World Future Council (WFC) founder Jakob von Uexkuell said today in Hamburg. “Sulak Sivaraksa is one of Thailand’s most respected spiritual leaders. Arresting him on account of lese majesty is just another attempt to silence an inconvenient thinker and social critic.”
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The Hamburg Call to Action
Hamburg, 9 – 13th May 2007, Founding Congress: Today we stand at the crossroads of human history. Our actions − and our failures to act − will decide the future of life on earth for thousands of years, if not forever. Our generation will be scrutinized with exceptional fierceness by those coming after us, for decisions taken now will have profound consequences for them in terms of lives saved or lost.
The Future Starts This Week in Hamburg
The World Future Council is Ready to Go
London/Hamburg, 7 May 2007: The World Future Council (WFC) has reached its full complement of 50 eminent global pioneers, representing all continents from the world of business, politics, civil society and the arts. Now, this strong new voice is about to get even louder.
World Future Council to be launched 2007 in Hamburg
The World Future Council is Ready to Go
Hamburg, May 2007: The city of Hamburg will provide the core funding for the launch and initial phase of the WFC. The Head Office of the WFC will be sited in Hamburg from September 2006 and the full WFC inaugural conference will be held there in the second quarter of 2007. The other WFC offices will continue to operate.
Drumming for a Sustainable Future
Jakob von Uexkulls Council of respected global pioneers is nearing completion.
Hamburg, Germany/London, UK, 27th February 2007: The World Future Council (WFC), founded by Jakob von Uexkull, was set up with the explicit aim of overcoming global action gaps to ensure that future generations inherit a world worth living in. The Council will research, distil and promote integrated long-term solutions to the problems of today’s world.