Einträge von Anna_Media

6. Gedenkveranstaltung für Yagmur

“Kein Kind darf zurückbleiben” 6. Gedenkveranstaltung für Yagmur mit Verleihung des Yagmur Erinnerungspreises “Zivilcourage im Kinderschutz” 2021.

Industrial States to be held individually responsible for global warming ?

During the World Leaders Summit on Climate on 22 and 23 April 2021 US- President Biden announced the ambitious 2030 emissions target as the new contribution of the USA under the Paris Agreement and urged the other 40 world leaders to contribute also to stronger climate ambition.

Über virtuelle Freundschaft, die nordischen Länder und Nachhaltigkeit

Als die Pandemie begann, war ich gerade dabei, mein Bachelor-Studium in Malmö, Schweden, abzuschließen. Da ich zu diesem Zeitpunkt gerade an meiner Bachelorarbeit über Süd-Koreas Entwicklungspolitik schrieb, hatte Covid-19 anfangs wenig Einfluss auf mein Leben.

About virtual friendship, Nordic countries and sustainability

When the pandemic started, I was in the middle of finishing up my bachelor studies in Malmö, Sweden. As I was writing my bachelor thesis about South-Korea’s development policies at that point, Covid-19 had little impact on my life in the beginning.

Regulating the Hype: Renewable Hydrogen in the Global South

To date, however, no significant renewables-based hydrogen production is in place. Current hydrogen strategies are nevertheless slowly taking up renewable hydrogen as a long-term investment to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and massive upscaling of projects can be expected, as part of countries’ post-COVID-19 recovery measures. 

100% Renewable Energy Roadmaps Development

We know that a future powered by 100% Renewable Energy is not only possible, it is essential. A transformation that will limit global warming to 1.5°C and eradicate energy poverty can only be unleashed by societies worldwide working together. Multi-Actor Partnerships are a crucial tool in ensuring that no one is left behind.