Entries by Anna_Media

Young people and the pandemic: Climate in times of Corona

Our article series “How do young people experience the pandemic?” starts today with Louisa’s contribution on Climate in times of Corona. What are young people thinking about the crisis and its impact on climate and future generation?

Pathfinder 2019

Let’s take a tour through our various projects, solutions and activities, our way of working, and our worldwide network. We invite you to look back at our impact in 2019. This Path Finder presents to you the highlights of our work. Enjoy reading!

Food Security: Local governments and civil society working together

Food security is a key aspect of sustainable development. Civil society projects, organisations and initiatives working on urban food security are often the only or main provider of nutritious food to the urban most disadvantaged and vulnerable groups.

Achieving 100% Renewable Energy for all

The Sustainable Energy for All (SEforAll) initiative pledged to ensure universal access to modern energy services, double the rate of improvement in energy efficiency and double the share of renewable energy in the global energy mix by 2030. Yet, it’s self-published progress reports states that the initiative has fallen short of its objectives.

This report summarises the initiatives often underlined structural shortcomings. Namely, a lack of integration into other UN frameworks, an excessive focus on centralization and profitability, a disproportionate emphasis on private finance, a lack of inclusion of diverse business models and a lack of representation and civil society involvement. The report then examines the SEforALL Action Agendas for eight African countries.